Why take this course?

Each year in the UK, thousands are having to take time off work due to health and safety-related issue. For most, this is a number of days.

However, in some cases people suffer major injuries or even death.

The vast majority of these incidents could have been avoided if standards of health and safety in the workplace had been better.

The government agency responsible for health and safety at work, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), publishes these accident figures every year.

Course Outline

This course is split into six sessions with five workshops:

Session One: Introduction to Health and Safety

Session Two: Health and Safety Hazards

Session Three: Work Equipment

Session Four: Manual Handling and Working at Height Regulations

Session Five: First Aid Regulations and Occupational Health

Session Six: Control Of Contractors

Learning Outcome 1

Understanding of current UK Health and Safety requirements in the work place.

Learning Outcome 2

Appreciation of UK Directors requirements to report to the Regulators in terms of health and safety.

Learning Outcome 3

Knowledge of what to look for when implementing health and safety rules and standards in the workplace.

One-time payment